A deadly crash in Caldwell...

Five Dead, 4 Children Injured In Tire Blow Out Crash

A deadly crash in Caldwell County, Texas has killed five people and left four children injured. The crash happened along State Highway 130 near Mustang Ridge. According to the Austin-Travis County EMS, nine patients were involved in the single-vehicle rollover. Deputies on the scene stated the driver was on State Highway 130, driving an SUV, when the vehicle rolled into a ditch between State Highway 130 and the U.S. 183 frontage road, just south of State Highway 21.

It is unknown how fast the SUV was traveling, however the speed limit in that area is 85 mph. Mustang Ridge Police determined the wreck was caused by a tire blowout. Mustang Ridge Police Chief Michael Rodriguez stated, “It would be good to look at lowering the speeds because of that. Eighty-five is way too fast for certain vehicles.” According to Rodriguez, four adults died at the scene and five children were injured and taken to Dell Children’s Medical Center. EMS stated that at least two children were transported by STAR flight. One of the children died at the hospital. The ages of the children range from an infant to 15 years old.

The deceased victims were identified as Antonio and Mireya Esquivel, and two of their children, 14-year-old Jorge Esquivel and 4-year-old Nathan Esquivel. The children’s grandmother, Maria Carranza, was also killed in the crash. Two children remain at the Dell Children’s hospital. Bianca, 5, is in a coma while Junior, 2, is paralyzed from the waist down. “Any scene you walk upon with children involved, it’s a heartbreaker. It devastated me basically, because I have children of my own,” stated Rodriguez. According to Mustang Ridge Police, all nine people were ejected from the vehicle and none of them were wearing a seat belt.

under texas law

Texas law requires the use of safety restraints for people riding in motor vehicles. It is illegal for anyone, adult or child, to ride in the front seat of a vehicle with seat belts and not having their seat belt properly fastened. It is illegal for anyone under the age of 17 to ride in any part of a motor vehicle without a seat belt if the vehicle is equipped with them. Therefore, the adults killed who were in the back of the vehicle without their seat belts on were not breaking the law. Since the cause of the accident was due to a blown tire, and the highway the SUV was traveling on was a higher than average speed of 85 mph, it could be a manufacturers negligence that resulted in the tragic deaths and injuries to this family.

compensation and legal help

Auto accidents can change your life forever. If you or a loved one has suffered from a serious injury caused by a motor vehicle accident in Texas, the car accident attorneys at Bandas Law Firm may be able to help. You may have grounds to file an injury lawsuit against the negligent party in order to seek financial compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, and pain and suffering. Don’t let the negligent actions of another person adversely impact your life. Contact the Corpus Christi car accident attorneys at Bandas Law Firm today and collect the financial compensation you deserve.

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