
Worker Critically Injured In Robertson County Oilfield Explosion

An oilfield worker suffered critical injuries in an explosion last month at an oil well in Robertson County, Texas, according to authorities. The 25-year-old worker was reportedly dismantling some old oil tanks using a cutting torch when the tanks exploded, throwing him from the platform he was on and knocking him unconscious. If you have been injured in an oilfield accident in Corpus Christi, or elsewhere in Texas, consult our reputable lawyers at Bandas Law Firm to explore your compensation options. You may have grounds to file a workers’ compensation claim, in order to pursue medical benefits for your injuries.

texas oilfield accident injuries

The oilfield accident in Texas took place in early July, as the unidentified worker was dismantling some old tanks at an oil site operated by Finaly Resources. The oilfield worker was reportedly using a cutting torch to remove a metal catwalk when two tanks holding eight inches of oil sludge suddenly exploded, knocking him unconscious. According to an inspection report by the Texas Railroad Commission, the worker struck his head against the side of one of the oil tanks and was suspended above the tanks for a short period of time, before the heat from the fire burned the line holding his harness and he fell to the ground.

The Robertson County oil well was reportedly not in service at the time of the oilfield accident, and subcontractor J-Bar Services had been hired to remove the tanks from the site. According to Dan Hill, the Department Head for Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M, oil tank explosions like this one are extremely rare, but have been known to be caused by lightning in the past. The injured worker was airlifted to Memorial Hermann Hospital, where he received treatment for burn injuries to his head and was listed in critical condition.

our oilfield accident lawyers can help

Following the devastating oil well explosion, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and ATF agents launched an investigation to determine the cause of the incident, which is believed to have been an industrial accident. Unfortunately, oilfield accidents in Texas and throughout the United States are not uncommon, and a recent report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found that Texas accounted for a whopping 40% of oilfield accident fatalities in the United States from 2007 to 2012. If you have lost a loved one in a fatal oilfield accident in Texas, contact our knowledgeable attorneys at Bandas Law Firm today for legal help.


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