Corpus Christi Medical Malpractice Lawyers

Fighting to Improve the Lives of Injured Patients Across Texas

Medical malpractice can result in serious injury and death. In fact, billions of dollars are paid out in compensation every year for medical malpractice claims. Essentially, medical malpractice occurs when a medical care provider does not provide a standard level of treatment or care. If you or a loved one has been harmed by a healthcare provider’s negligence or wrongdoing, you should consider contacting an experienced attorney to pursue fair compensation for what you have gone through.

The Bandas Law Firm has experience with medical malpractice cases of all types in Nueces County and across Texas, and we can provide you with guidance to determine if you have a case, what you need to do to file, and how to get through the process. You may be able to recover compensation for such things as lost wages, medical expenses and bills, as well as pain and suffering.

Get started today with a free initial consultation. Discover how our attorneys can help with your medical malpractice case by calling (361) 238-2789 or contacting us online.

Why You Need a Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Most people assume that medical malpractice and personal injury are the same, but they are not. In fact, they are different enough that you need an attorney specifically experienced with medical malpractice lawsuits. You need to choose an attorney who understands medicine so they can properly research your case. They should also know how to consult the proper experts so that your case will be built on a strong argument that someone neglected to properly handle your medical care.

Types of Medical Malpractice Claims

Medical malpractice claims can evolve out of almost anything that has to do with the medical field, but some of the most common include:

  • Wrong diagnosis
  • Improperly handled surgery
  • Improperly handled treatment
  • Obstetric injuries and birth injuries
  • Improperly prescribed or administered medication
  • Negligence in monitoring the patient
  • Improper use of anesthesia

Anytime a healthcare professional failed to do their job in providing your medical treatment, you could have a malpractice claim if you were injured as a result.

The Importance of Professional Legal Help

When you have a medical malpractice claim, getting compensation will not be easy. The healthcare provider will likely have malpractice insurance. That means their insurance company will also likely have a team of attorneys looking for a way to prove you were not a victim. If you don’t have an experienced attorney on your side, you may not get the compensation you deserve. However, when you hire a lawyer you can depend on, they will know how to ensure your rights are looked after.

A skilled medical malpractice attorney can work through the discovery period to gather all the information about your healthcare and the incident, as well as the medical care you needed afterward. They can build a case based on witnesses and expert opinion to ensure you have something solid against the provider who did not provide proper care. This is the only way to ensure you can pursue the compensation you deserve for your injury.

Talk to a Corpus Christi Medical Malpractice Attorney

If you or a loved one has been a victim of malpractice in the medical field, the first thing you need to do is contact the team at Bandas Law Firm. We can get to work for you as soon as possible.

Our team of experienced attorneys can evaluate your case and determine if you have a claim against the healthcare provider. In fact, when you contact us, we will offer you a no-cost cost evaluation. Call (361) 238-2789 today!


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